Wednesday, April 1, 2009

MPAA Bans Teens from Twilight, Harry Potter

AP - Movie fans around the country were stunned today by the announcement of a new movie ratings system that will ban thousands of young fans from seeing their favorite films in theaters.

r the new guidelines, released today by the Motion Picture Association Picture of America, ratings of PG-13 and above will be strictly enforced by requiring not only parental consent but photo IDs. As a result, many fans will not be admitted to the latest Twilight and Harry Potter films, expected out this year, and many others.

"It's high time our young people got some wholesome entertainment, not this mystical, sleazy warlock and vampire junk," said Sen. Joseph I . Lieberman, D-CT, a leading advocate of the changes.

Young fans reacted with dismay. Protests were planned in most major cities and studios were said to be laying plans to combat pirated films and screenings.

"I just can't believe it," said 12-year-old Julia Montgomery, of Hartford, CT, who has read every Twilight novel and seen the first film five times. "This is so unfair and I can't believe we are seeing this kind of censorship right here in the US."


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